Faiveley Bourgogne Rouge 750ml
Faiveley Bourgogne Rouge 750ml
Burgundy's vineyards date back to the Gallo-Roman era, but were abandoned for many years. Thanks to the monks from the Abbey of Cîteaux, well-known for the quality of their work in the vines and their knowledge of terroir, these vineyards were developed from the XIth century.
Domaine Faiveley vinifies it Bourgogne Pinot Noir from grapes grown in the domain's vineyards as well as selected grapes and musts from its partner winemakers. A quality control is made on each plot we have reserved so that we can check the quality of the grapes and the professionalism of our winegrowers partners. The wine is partly aged in vats and partly in French oak barrels for 12 to 14 months in our cellars in Nuits-Saint-Georges.
Beautiful ruby colour. This wine has pleasant, fresh, red-fruit aromas on the nose, which we also savour on the palate. It has rich and very ripe substance, with fine round tannins. It's a very well-structured and pleasant wine.
Serve with Deli meats and grilled food.
Vintages may vary.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Faiveley |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 13.0% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Red Wine |
Style | Pinot Noir |
Country | France |
Region | Burgundy |
Wine Region | Burgundy |
Barcode | 3351000182218 |