Fossey's Distillery Original Gin 700ml
Fossey's Distillery Original Gin 700ml
At the heart of every Gin, is a Juniper Berry and we at Fossey's have scoured the world to bring you the absolute best product for our exquisite elixir. After an extensive journey, the uniquely crisp flavour of freshly foraged Juniper Berries which are the dominant flavour of our Gin Elixir, are proudly supplied to Fossey's from around the Ludlow area in the UK, which by happenstance is where Fossey's family originated from.
Unabashedly boutique our Fossey's Original Gin Elixir is truly a defined Australian Gin, replacing traditional ingredients with our glorious Australian grown Lemon Myrtle and Pepperberry, Lavender and Cassia, just to name a few.
Fossey's Original Gin Elixir has also expertly blended a perfect trio of Mildura grown citrus bringing 130 years of dedication and tenderness growing citrus into each bottle to make something that is truly our own.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Fossey's Distillery |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 40.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Gin |
Style | New World Gin |
Country | Australia |
Region | Victoria |
Barcode | 7-94712-15538-6 |