Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin 700ml
Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin 700ml
At the forefront of Australia's craft spirits movement is Four Pillars Distillery, featuring small-batch production of different styles of gin from a small Yarra Valley still. This particular quaff is a dry gin created in the London style, but with bold Australian flavours and native botanicals. The traditional juniper notes are still here but blended with spices of Southeast Asia like star anise and cinnamon. Australian lemon myrtle and Tasmanian pepper leaf give this easy-drinking gin a uniquely Aussie twist. In fact, it's served best with organic tonic water and a wedge for fresh lime or lemon.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Four Pillars |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 41.8% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Gin |
Style | London Dry Gin |
Country | Australia |
Barcode | 9349749000072 |