Gordon's Mediterranean Orange Gin 700ml
Gordon's Mediterranean Orange Gin 700ml
Established in the Southwark area in the City of London in 1769, Gordon's London Dry Gin was created by Alexander Gordon, a Londoner of Scottish descent, and the original recipe is a recipe that remains unchanged to this day. Gordon's Mediterranean Orange Gin, however, is inspired by a 1929 Gordon's recipe, is produced with the highest quality ingredients and using only natural flavours. Perfectly crafted to balance the juniper notes, it is the refreshing taste of Gordon's with a juicy & fresh Mediterranean orange twist and is the perfect accompaniment to Sunday lunches and summer picnics in the park or by the beach.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Gordon's |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 37.5% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Gin |
Style | Flavoured Gin |
Country | England |
Barcode | 9310495088232 |