Graham's Fine White Port 750ml
Graham's Fine White Port 750ml
The product exhibits a reddish tawny hue, accompanied by the pleasing presence of ripe fruit aromas that are skillfully complemented by subtle notes of dried fruits. The palate is treated to enduring nutty and caramel flavors, culminating in an elegant and seamless finish. Graham's Fine Tawny is an ideal accompaniment to dried fruit or creamy desserts. For optimal enjoyment, it is recommended to serve this product chilled in a generously sized Port or white wine glass. Notably, once opened, this product maintains its freshness for an extended period of four to six weeks.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Graham's |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 19.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Dessert & Fortified |
Country | Portugal |
Barcode | 5010867400061 |