Grey Goose Le Citron Vodka 700ml
Grey Goose Le Citron Vodka 700ml
In crafting GREY GOOSE® Le Citron Flavoured Vodka, Cellar Master François Thibault began with the finest lemons, including those grown in the world-renowned Menton region of France. Menton lemons are larger and thicker skinned with a milder and less acidic flavour than their western counterparts, resulting in a superior lemon-flavoured vodka. The thicker peels yield higher levels of essential oil, making Menton lemons the favourite of respected French chefs. The lemons are concentrated into a complex citrus oil extract to preserve their bright flavours, then expertly blended with vodka of unparalleled quality, GREY GOOSE®.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Grey Goose |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 40.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Vodka |
Style | Flavoured Vodka |
Country | France |
Barcode | 5010677870207 |