Guinness Draught 440ml
Guinness Draught 440ml
Arthur Guinness established St. James's Gate Brewery in Dublin, Ireland in 1759 and signed a lease for the property the brewery at £45 per annum for 9,000 years. In 1838 it was the biggest brewery in Ireland and in 1886 it became the largest brewery in the world. While St. James's Gate Brewery isn't the world's largest brewery today, it is still the foremost brewer of stout. Guinness Draught is a 4.2% ABV traditional stout that pours a rich black hue with a creamy head. Long draws will flow down your throat for a velvet-smooth delicious with rich coffee, malt and barley flavours. A global icon!
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Guinness |
Size | 440ml |
Alcohol Content | 4.2% |
Type | Beer |
Category | International Beer |
Style | Stout |
Country | Ireland |
Barcode | 5000213015667 |