Haig Club Clubman Single Grain Whisky 700ml
Haig Club Clubman Single Grain Whisky 700ml
Haig Club Clubman inherits the same bold and progressive spirit as Haig Club Icon - designed to be different, stylish and modern whilst incorporating nearly 400 years of House of Haig heritage. The inspiration for the name can be found in advertising materials dating back to the 1920s, in which Haig was advertised as "The Clubman's Whisky".
Haig Club Clubman is matured exclusively in American ex-bourbon casks, allowing the sweet, gentle Single Grain Scotch Whisky from Cameronbridge to interact with the vanilla, butterscotch and sweet toffee flavours found in the ex-bourbon casks. The result is a wonderfully smooth, sweet and enjoyable whisky.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Haig Club |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 40.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Whisky |
Style | Single Grain Whisky |
Country | Scotland |
Region | Fife |
Barcode | 5000281045627 |