Hares Chase Rose 750ml
Hares Chase Rose 750ml
The Hare’s Chase vineyard covers approximately 14 hectares (35 acres) of vines separated into 12 distinct vineyard blocks, differentiated by different soil profiles, row orientations, elevation and topography.The Hare’s Chase vineyard is predominately planted to Shiraz making up approximately ¾ of all plantings. Other grape varieties planted include Cabernet Sauvignon, Mataro (Mourvedre) and the Spanish grape variety Tempranillo. The average age of the vines is 20 years old.The vines are spur pruned and low yielding, generally less than 2 tonnes per acre. Our vineyard philosophy is low intervention viticulture and we have implemented new practices to improve soil-vine health.
Vintages may vary.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Hares Chase |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 14.0% |
Type | Wine |
Category | White Wine |
Style | Rosé |
Wine Body | Medium |
Country | Australia |
Region | Barossa Valley |
Wine Region | Barossa Valley |
Barcode | 9326234003077 |