Heaven's Door Double Barrel Bourbon 700ml
Heaven's Door Double Barrel Bourbon 700ml
A double barrel Bourbon from Heaven’s Door, a whiskey company developed by none other than Nobel Prize winning singer songwriter, Bob Dylan, and Angel’s Envy founder Marc Bushala. Described as a “unique blend of three different whiskeys” the double barrel Bourbon has been matured initially in new American oak barrels, before a year-long finishing process in specially toasted American oak casks. The result is an extremely toasty and spicy whiskey which serves up notes of caramel, apricot, rye spices, grain, strawberry jam, apples, charred oak, burnt brown sugar, pineapple, liquorice, peach, pepper corns and orange zest.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Heaven's Door |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 50.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Whisky |
Style | Bourbon |
Country | United States |
Region | Tennessee |
Barcode | 1230000083010 |