Kanta Riesling 750ml
Kanta Riesling 750ml
Kanta Riesling by Egon Müller is a unique winemaking partnership where German tradition and precision meets the premium, cool climate fruit from the Adelaide Hills. Kanta partners, Egon Müller and Michael Andrewartha are pleased to announce the fifth release from this unique, cross-cultural winemaking project. Since its inception in 2005 they have proudly watched Kanta come of age.
On the nose, aromas of nashi pear, lemon zest, lime juice and grapefruit are lifted by underlying notes of melon and pineapple. These aromas are supported by the mineral backbone, wet rock character and slight petrol. Full-bodied and dry, the elevated alcohol is well balanced by the lingering acidity. A slight bitterness and citrus flavours dominate the finish.
Vintages may vary.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Kanta |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 8.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | White Wine |
Style | Riesling |
Country | Australia |
Region | Adelaide Hills |
Wine Region | Adelaide Hills |
Barcode | 9336740001078 |