Koonowla Clare Valley Riesling 750ml
Koonowla Clare Valley Riesling 750ml
Riesling and the Clare Valley are the ultimate white wine collaboration. Tongue-tingling, citrus-flavored refreshment guaranteed. Drink it now, cellar it for a special anniversary. Put in it on a pedestal, because around the world that’s exactly what all the experts do – the region and variety are recognized globally as one of Australia’s most vibrant wine styles. Sourced from our two sustainably grown vineyards in the Auburn district, each with distinctive characteristics that combine to create a superb Clare Valley style, crisp, vibrant yet full of amazing flavor. Our riesling is not just about immediate refreshment and palate excitement. It also reveals an inspired sophistication in its minerally textures and lip-smacking palate feels. This only comes from the gentlest of winemaking techniques, starting with handpicked fruit, followed by minimal intervention in the winery and a focus on crafting the most regionally expressive wine possible. You want purity in your wine? Taste our riesling and you’ll discover it sip after sip after sip.
Vintages may vary.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Koonowla |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 13.0% |
Type | Wine |
Category | White Wine |
Style | Riesling |
Country | Australia |
Region | Clare Valley |
Wine Region | Clare Valley |
Barcode | 9334692000101 |