Koval Distillery Dry Gin 500ml
Koval Distillery Dry Gin 500ml
Bring to life the scent of a dense forest, rich and loamy, with pungent evergreen oils in this unique gin from Koval Distillery. This gin is hand-distilled in small batches, using the traditional copper stills that render this spirit pure and smooth. The first smell brings notes of juniper and wildflowers, wild and aromatic. A dry style of gin, it carefully blends golden citrus and emerald grassy notes, tasting almost like sunshine. A round, floral body is accented with little jolts of white pepper, and, sip after sip, becomes more complex and interesting. This gin would be delicious over a large round ice cube and garnished with fresh herbs or muddled with lime and mint. Organic and Kosher Certified.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Koval Distillery |
Size | 500ml |
Alcohol Content | 47.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Gin |
Style | London Dry Gin |
Country | United States |
Barcode | 8-50786-00608-2 |