La Guardinese Fiano 750ml
La Guardinese Fiano 750ml
Nestled in the hills above Naples lies the beating heart of southern Italian white wine. Here, in the region of Campania, you'll find ancient white grape varieties like Falanghina, Fiano and Greco, plus reds like Aglianico and Piedirosso (locally known as Per'e Palummo). This hilly area is also home to one of Italy's most respected, proudly old producers, La Guardiense. Founded in 1962 with over 1000 farmers tending 2000 hectares, this producer brings together some of Campania's top grapegrowers with the modern winemaking nous to deliver delicious wines.
Straw yellow with lighter highlights. It conveys a characteristic floral and fruity bouquet, reminiscent of apple and pear. Fresh on the palate, characterised by a pleasant acid structure and a savoury touch, before closing with a slight hint of almond. Also ideal as an aperitif, it pairs well with fish-based rice and pasta dishes, particularly with shellfish, mild cheeses and white meats.
Vintages may vary.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | La Guardinese |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 13.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | White Wine |
Style | Various White Varietals |
Country | Italy |
Region | Campania |
Barcode | 8010145731167 |