Lallier Blanc De Noirs 750ml
Lallier Blanc De Noirs 750ml
A celebration of Lallier’s love for Pinot Noir, cultivated from two complimentary grape varieties from Grand Crus terroirs. Vibrant and expressive, with a rare blend of purity and depth.
Colour: Intense fold nearing on amber.
Nose: Complexity and harmony; delicate fruitiness.
Palate: The aromatic notes are dominated by slightly candied, ripe fruits such as peach and mandarin. Spring honey takes over, supported by a touch of pasty. Rich and intense opening of spicy aromas, with deep, powerful finish, the signature of Pinot Noir from great terroirs. Intense, Balanced length with toasted notes.
Elevate intimate moments with Blanc de Noir’s vinous sophistication, adding intrigue and depth to a delicate yet generous dining experience. Enjoy Lallier Blanc de Noirs with creamy or grilled dishes. Fleshy fish, white or red meat and refined mushrooms.
Vintages may vary.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Lallier |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 12.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Champagne |
Style | Champagne |
Country | France |
Barcode | 3554562112239 |