Leasingham Bin 7 Riesling 750ml
Leasingham Bin 7 Riesling 750ml
Leasingham have been an integral part of Clare Valley viticulture for over a hundred years, a tradition that's been evolving since 1893.
Rich soils and cool, moist conditions were perfect foundations for what is today Australia's premier Riesling appellation. Despite advice to the contrary, Leasingham planted Riesling extensively in the early 1940s. This vision led to Leasingham establishing a reputation for the finest Rieslings.
Today the tradition lives on, the Leasingham name is forever linked to the exuberant styling which is recognisably Clare Valley Riesling.
Vintages may vary.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Leasingham |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 12.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | White Wine |
Style | Riesling |
Wine Body | Light |
Country | Australia |
Region | Clare Valley |
Wine Region | Clare Valley |
Barcode | 2-93-11043-04901-3 |