Leffe Blonde 330ml
Leffe Blonde 330ml
Leffe Blond is the flagship of the Leffe range. This legendary brew owes its unique taste to centuries of experience in beer making and is skillfully balanced to deliver a wide range of aromas. Elegant and fruity, Leffe Blond has a smooth texture and a subtle, spicy aftertaste with a hint of bitter orange. The light, sunny colour is derived from the use of pale malt, and the 6.6 % alcohol content pairs nicely with a variety of dishes. For best enjoyment, serve at a temperature of 5° to 6° Celsius. A perfect choice for savoring with friends and family on warm summer days.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Leffe |
Size | 330ml |
Alcohol Content | 6.6% |
Type | Beer |
Category | International Beer |
Style | Belgian Ales |
Country | Belgium |
Barcode | 5410228230748 |