Leitz S&M Sparkling Rose 750ml
Leitz S&M Sparkling Rose 750ml
The Leitz zero sparkling rose is an exceptional summer rose, providing a delightful drinking experience without the presence of alcohol. This allows individuals to indulge in a refreshing and invigorating glass of wine, free from any feelings of guilt. With a mere 23 calories per 100mL, 5.1g of sugar, and 5.5g of carbohydrates, this wine offers a healthy alternative to traditional options. The harmonious combination of rhubarb, subtle notes of raspberries, and rosehip creates a fresh and delectable taste, reminiscent of beloved roses. Embodying all the desirable characteristics of a favored rose, this alcohol-free wine delivers a truly enjoyable summer treat.
Vintages may vary.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Leitz S&M |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 0.0% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Sparkling |
Country | Germany |
Barcode | 4260196280198 |