Les Peyrautins Merlot 750ml
Les Peyrautins Merlot 750ml
Les Peyrautins is a range of wines crafted according to our oldest traditions. This Pinot Noir was imagined by our team of passionate winemakers. To make this range, our experts use modern techniques to recreate the best of traditional French wine. The result, is a perfect combination of the new and old world, offering a typical wine that displays all the qualities and traditional aromas of the varietal.
Dark ruby red, this Merlot displays lovely cassis and raspberry flavours to the nose. The mouth will be slightly spicy with oaky notes and full of fruit. The lingering finish will offer peppery notes
Vintages may vary.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Les Peyrautins |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 14.0% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Red Wine |
Style | Merlot |
Country | France |
Region | Pays d'Oc |
Wine Region | Pays d'Oc |
Barcode | 3700619335643 |