Michter's US1 American Whiskey 700ml
Michter's US1 American Whiskey 700ml
Deep butterscotch and vanilla notes, hints of caramel and dried fruit with a ripened fruit finish.
Unlike Bourbon or Rye, which, by definition, must be aged in new oak barrels, our US1 Unblended American Whiskey is aged in a way that utilizes whiskey-soaked barrels to achieve a rich and unique flavor profile. In late 2013, then Master Distiller Willie Pratt agreed to re-release our US1 Unblended American Whiskey after a nearly three-year absence from the market, deeming it "just right" and "the best it's ever been." Crucially, our US1 Unblended American Whiskey never contains grain neutral spirits - hence its "unblended" distinction.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Michter's Distillery |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 41.7% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Whisky |
Style | Bourbon |
Country | United States |
Barcode | 3-93830-09652-8 |