Moritz Barcelona Cervesas 330ml
Moritz Barcelona Cervesas 330ml
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The water used to make Moritz is 100% natural spring water sourced from the Font d’Or in Montseny – Guilleries National Park, north of Barcelona. Hops flowers are used instead of extract, making the beer more pure and aromatic. As for the taste: this lager is clean and pale, a hint of sweet malt with delicate citric hops. It has a lovely balance of sweet and bitter and is very drinkable. Often described as sunshine in a bottle.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Moritz |
Size | 330ml |
Alcohol Content | 5.4% |
Type | Beer |
Category | Classic Beer |
Country | Spain |
Region | Barcelona |
Barcode | 8410700005656 |