Mt Duneed Estate Shiraz 750ml
Mt Duneed Estate Shiraz 750ml
The handpicked fruit was whole berry fermented in open pots, which were hand blunged twice daily before being pressed and matured for 12 months i French oak barrels. Deep ruby red in colour with a boquet of plum, spice and black pepper. A palate of crisp spice, fresh cherry and a hint of vanilla oak. The wine finished with a soft tannin and a lovey semi full-bodied approach. Vegan. The spicy wine is calling out for steak, seared on the barbie with loads of freshly cracked black pepper. A simple rocket and parmesan salad, along with your besties and you have a match made in heaven.
Vintages may vary.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Mt Duneed Estate |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 13.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Red Wine |
Style | Shiraz |
Wine Body | Medium |
Country | Australia |
Region | Geelong |
Barcode | 1-93-49014-00005-6 |