Mumm Mumm De Cramant NV Champagne 750ml
Mumm Mumm De Cramant NV Champagne 750ml
Mumm de Cramant is a rare, precious cuvee made in the purest Champagne tradition since 1882. Its low pressure gives a delicate effervescence. A single-cru cuvee of incomparable purity, blended in the time-honoured tradition with a strict selection of 100% Chardonnay Cramant wines. This favoured terroir produces highly reliable wines, and the hallmark of quality and consistency for any great champagne is the ability to grace any occasion. Its label recalls how business cards were used in the past; a turned-down corner indicated that the bottle of Mumm de Cramant champagne had been hand-delivered.
Vintages may vary.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Mumm |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 12.0% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Champagne |
Style | Champagne |
Country | France |
Region | Champagne |
Barcode | 3043700114414 |