Mundo Tequila 700ml
Mundo Tequila 700ml
Mundo Tequila represents a contemporary iteration of a classic spirit, seamlessly blending tradition with innovation to produce an ancient beverage reimagined for modern palates. With an alcohol content of 35%, it is crafted to the highest standards of quality, employing refined production techniques that honor its rich heritage. Mundo Tequila delivers an authentic and flavorful experience.
Produced from hand-harvested blue agave sourced from the highlands and lowlands of Jalisco, Mexico, Mundo boasts a significant agave content exceeding 70%. This superior composition distinguishes it from many other mixto tequilas, which typically contain up to 51% blue agave distillate, underscoring its exceptional quality.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Mundo |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 35.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Tequila & Mezcal |
Style | Silver & Blanco Tequila |
Country | Mexico |
Region | Jalisco |
Barcode | 5706844525635 |