Nepenthe Shiraz 750ml
Nepenthe Shiraz 750ml
Cool climate Shiraz has been rapidly growing in reputation over the past few years. At Nepenthe we saw the potential for Shiraz in the Adelaide Hills when vines were planted at our Hahndorf vineyard in 1999. It's an ideal site for Shiraz with high altitude, low vigour soils and northerly aspect.
The grapes are pickled in the cool of the night and transported to the winery where they are de-stemmed and crushed. Fermented in open top vats and then pressed, the wine is transferred to a mixture of French and American oak barrel for 16 months. A traditional cool climate Shiraz with a mid-weight, elegant palate of raspberry and blackcurrant fruit flavours with subtle sweet vanilla oak notes, velvety tannins and a long, structured finish.
Vintages may vary.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Nepenthe |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 14.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Red Wine |
Style | Shiraz |
Wine Body | Full |
Country | Australia |
Region | South Australia |
Wine Region | Adelaide Hills |
Barcode | 2-08-13036-00311-2 |