Penfolds St Henri Shiraz 2020 750ml
Penfolds St Henri Shiraz 2020 750ml
St Henri is a time-honoured and alternative expression of shiraz, and an intriguing counterpoint to Grange. It is unusual amongst
high quality Australian red wines as it does not rely on any new oak. Released for the first time by Penfolds in the early 1950s (first
commercial vintage 1957), it gained a new lease of life in the 1990s as its quality and distinctive style became better understood.
Proudly, a wine style that hasn’t succumbed to the dictates of fashion or commerce. St Henri is rich and plush when young,
gaining soft, earthy, mocha-like characters with age. It is matured in an assortment of old large vats that allow the wine to
develop, imparting minimal, if any oak character. Although a small proportion of cabernet may sneak into the blend, the focal
point for St Henri remains shiraz.
Garnet red with a dark purple core
The fruit profile is a delight, oak playing no role in the aromatics. Shiraz, unadulterated! The descriptors need to be coaxed from the
glass with a gentle swirl.
Fruits of the forest are first to emerge, berry conserve, strawberry flan and rhubarb tart. There is a hit of confectionary, reminiscent of
red glace cherries.
Savoury notes include German Blutwurst spiced sausage, pan scrapings from roast lamb and salt cured beef with black peppercorns.
Ferric notes of iron filings and whetstone swarf round out an impressive showing.
True to form, the palate is quite savoury. Japanese nori paper and olive brine offer a very morish umami nuance.
Fresh blueberry and mulberry leaf anchor the core of the mid-palate. Exotic spices adding intrigue, Alleppey turmeric, toasted
cumin, pimento.
The tannins are very tactile, comparable to Dutch cocoa. A classic St Henri that will reward extended time in the cellar.
96 Points - Andrew Caillard MW
95 Points - Tina Gellie
95 Points - Jamie Goode
94 Points - Tyson Stelzer
94 Points - Ken Gargett
Vintages may vary.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Penfolds |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 14.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Red Wine |
Style | Shiraz |
Wine Body | Full |
Country | Australia |
Wine Region | Multi Regional |
Barcode | 9310297037940 |