Prickly Moses Otway Pale Ale 330ml
Prickly Moses Otway Pale Ale 330ml
Prickly Moses Otway Pale Ale is a medium bodied ale that pours a light amber colour, derived from the use of caramel malts, with toffee and caramel flavours balanced nicely with a blend of traditional English hops for bittering and American hops for aroma. With a handcrafted, natural brewing process that begins in the Otways, a little over 2 hours drive from Melbourne, Prickly Moses uses ingredients and pure rainwater from their lush rainforests in Victoria to produce their mouthwatering brews. Prickly Moses Otway Pale Ale is an all malt ale that is warmly fermented which adds complexity and a fruity aroma that is super refreshing!
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Prickly Moses |
Size | 330ml |
Alcohol Content | 4.9% |
Type | Beer |
Category | Craft Beer |
Style | Pale Ale |
Country | Australia |
Region | Victoria |
Barcode | 9331779002300 |