Red Mill Rum Classic Rum 700ml
Red Mill Rum Classic Rum 700ml
Red Mill Classic Rum seamlessly melds tradition and innovation.
Established in 1933, Red Mill embraced the pragmatic origins of rum, a spirit historically aged in abundant old Bourbon barrels and favored by sailors for its coastal production. Reflecting its storied past, Red Mill's narrative intertwines with that of Sydney Harbour and the Fesq family.
The Classic blend utilizes a selection of casks: 50% ex-whiskey (Bourbon, Scotch, and mixed Quarter Casks) and 50% ex-wine (Australian Pinot Noir and Red Bordeaux). This blend matured in a custom 1000L Foudre cask for six weeks, then hand-bottled at 40% ABV, resulting in a versatile sipping rum.
This 6th batch comprises 1700 bottles.
- Red Mill
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Red Mill Rum |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 40.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Rum |
Style | Dark Rum |
Country | Australia |
Region | New South Wales |
Barcode | 9369999348519 |