Ruinart Rose NV Champagne 750ml
Ruinart Rose NV Champagne 750ml
The Ruinart Rosé Champagne is a delicate pomegranate pink with very slightly orange reflections. The sparkling, light effervescence has a persistent foam. The nose is subtle and fresh, first offering an original palette of tropical fruits (guava and lychee)and small berries (raspberries, cherries and wild strawberries) in the first instance. These are followed by rose and pomegranate notes which complete the complex, intense aromatic profile, dominated by somewhat undeveloped primary aromas. On the palate the attack is distinct and full, cradled by a gentle effervescence. The aromas of freshly picked berries are fully expressed. The balance brings together a delightful freshness and voluptuous body, expressed by an elegant bracing touch of mint and pink grapefruit.
Vintages may vary.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Ruinart |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 12.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Rose Wine |
Style | Rosé |
Country | France |
Region | Champagne |
Barcode | 3185370303320 |