Sanderman Medium Dry Sherry 750ml
Sanderman Medium Dry Sherry 750ml
Sandeman Sherry Medium Dry ages in its own Solera of small casks. The pale wines selected just after the harvest slowly evolve into colours of medium gold amber. They become richer and subtly complex. Later a small amount of sweet Sherry is blended in to give a wonderful medium dry character with just a touch of sweetness.
Mildly aromatic, with an amber color of copper and gold, Sandeman Sherry Medium Dry is very harmonious to the taste. An agreeable touch of sweetness from the first moment gives way to a nutty flavors and a long clean finish.
Vintages may vary.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Sandeman |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 15.0% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Dessert & Fortified |
Country | Spain |
Region | Andalusia |
Barcode | 8421150645101 |