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Smooth Ambler

Smooth Ambler Contradiction Bourbon 700ml

Smooth Ambler Contradiction Bourbon 700ml

We aren't stocking this product any longer. We've got some similar recommendations below we're sure you'll love.

A tasty bourbon from the mountains of West Virginia, Smooth Ambler Contradiction is aptly named. It is both in house distilled and sourced being a blending of the two. It is both rye spice heavy and wheat sweet being a blending of the two. The one area that it isn't contradictory in is taste. Chocolatey and honey-rich with a creamy texture that lays easily on the tongue Smooth Ambler Contradiction Bourbon may leave you shaking your head in confusion but never leave you unsatisfied. Now bottled at 46% ABV.

Product Specifications

Brand Name Smooth Ambler
Size 700ml
Alcohol Content 50.0%
Type Spirits
Category Whisky
Style Bourbon
Country United States
Region North Carolina
Barcode 3-00727-02520-2
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