Spring Bay Pink Gin 700ml
Spring Bay Pink Gin 700ml
The master craftsmen at Spring Bay steep the botanicals in the Pink Gin for 24-48 hours, allowing the fullness of the flavours and aromas of each to completely infuse into the gin. After this, the juniper berry and licorice root is added, vapour infused in copper stills to ensure purity and smoothness. This small-batch infusion creates a distinct juniper flavour at the front of the palate, combined with the aromatic licorice root. This gin has the traditional flavour of a Dry Gin, fragrant but allowing the juniper and licorice to shine through to the very end, with a touch of sweetness at the end. It's been triple-distilled for an ultra-smooth flavour, which belies the higher than normal ABV. The brightness of the juniper is complemented by the spiciness of star anise, a round, full-bodied gin with a slightly oily mouth-feel, followed by a clean finish. Enjoy this with club soda and a splash of your favourite freshly squeezed fruit juice or in a dry martini.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Spring Bay |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 46.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Gin |
Style | New World Gin |
Country | Australia |
Region | Tasmania |
Barcode | 7-93591-91780-1 |