Stones Ginger Beer 330ml
Stones Ginger Beer 330ml
Stone's Alcoholic Ginger Beer was the first real alcoholic ginger beer, hitting the market way back in 2001. Many have followed but most have fallen by the wayside whilst this product powers ahead, carrying on the tradition of fine ginger drinks in the Stone's range. No beer fridge, bar, esky, day at the beach, drink after summer sport is complete without it. A refreshing, zingy infusion with a definite hit of ginger both on the nose and palate that is moderated by a softening sweetness. Stone's Alcoholic Ginger Beer is the perfect way to quench the thirst on a hot summer's day. It is equally at home over the bar by itself as it is with your favourite spicy Asian influenced cuisine.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Stones |
Size | 330ml |
Alcohol Content | 4.0% |
Type | Beer |
Category | Alcoholic Ginger Beer |
Country | Australia |
Barcode | 9300694002672 |