Tarsier Oriental Pink Gin 700ml
Tarsier Oriental Pink Gin 700ml
From the tropical rainforests of Indonesia to the orchards of the Mekong Delta, the floating markets of Thailand, and the fruit carts of Malaysia, Tarsier offers a journey of adventure and discovery.
Inspired by extensive travels across Southeast Asia, Tarsier Oriental Pink Gin emerges as a light and refreshing fruity gin, imbued with the floral notes of red dragon fruit, the sweetness of lychee, and the tartness of raspberry. Best enjoyed with tonic and garnished with fresh raspberries and mint.
The distillation process incorporates dried raspberries and red dragon fruit alongside galangal, calamansi, and seven traditional botanicals. The resulting distillate is then infused with raspberry and lychee to achieve a fresh, punchy flavor.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Tarsier |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 40.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Gin |
Style | Flavoured Gin |
Country | United Kingdom |
Barcode | 5060643180014 |