Unico Zelo Delta Blue 750ml
Unico Zelo Delta Blue 750ml
The Delta Blue is a tribute to the iconic Australian red blends. You know, those classic combos like Cabernet Shiraz or Syrah Pinot. Well, us Aussies have really outdone ourselves in the red blend department lately.
We decided to take a bold and unapologetic approach with this wine, creating a blend that's reliable and brooding, but with a twist. We carefully selected grape varieties that thrive in their respective climates, resulting in a truly unique experience.
First up, we've got Grenache doing the heavy lifting. It's a variety that we haven't worked with much before, but boy, did it impress us. With some 1940s vines from the Riverland, we've fallen head over heels for this drought-hardy grape.
Then, we've got Touriga Nacional from the mighty Langhorne Creek joining the blend. This grape brings a rich, ironstone drive packed with ripe black fruit and black olive tapenade. Talk about a flavor bomb!
But we didn't stop there. We added small doses of our beloved Nero D'avola, some fabulous Adelaide Hills Syrah (seriously, one of the best places to grow it in the whole country), and even a newcomer to our lineup - Montepulciano. This lively grape adds a spicy finish that really gives this red blend a kick.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Unico Zelo |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 13.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Red Wine |
Style | Red Blends |
Wine Body | Full |
Country | Australia |
Region | South Australia |
Barcode | 9352487000723 |