Vasse Felix Premier Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
Vasse Felix Premier Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
A wonderfully complex, modern Margaret River Sauvignon Blanc expression. Fermented wild in large format French oak with a portion of full skins contact. Aromatic and savoury with textural layers of complexity and a long, dry finish.
An enticing array of orange zest, jasmine, savoury cheddar and cedar mingle with wafts of limestone cliffs and coastal herb.
Crystalline acidity is balanced by a soft, pure texture. The fine harmonious body embraces savoury elements of river stone, hints of citrus peel and a beautiful lemon tang.
Refined winemaking techniques, in particular a focus on wild fermentation, have better captured the sense of place, highlighting the exciting complexities of this powerful, aromatic and savoury Margaret River Sauvignon Blanc. The portion of full skins fermentation, though only 10%, represents a style evolution for this wine, bringing incredible texture and structure to the palate. While the use of large format French Oak Foudre (for the first time) and Puncheons preserves the freshness of the fruit in a slower aging format, contributing a soft harmonious tannin texture to the final wine. The wine was allowed to develop for 5-12 months before blending, followed by a further 3 months to harmonise as a blend before bottling.
Vintages may vary.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Vasse Felix |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 13.0% |
Type | Wine |
Category | White Wine |
Style | Sauvignon Blanc |
Country | Australia |
Region | Margaret River |
Wine Region | Margaret River |
Barcode | 9315032003099 |