Willie Smith's Kingston Black 750ml
Willie Smith's Kingston Black 750ml
We take pride in crafting single varietal cider from the Kingston Black apple, known for its intense, vibrant expressions of fruit. Originally cultivated in Taunton, Somerset, this apple has earned a strong reputation in both English and global cider making. Though challenging to grow, it rewards with a golden tangerine hue once pressed. The nose is fresh and vibrant, with notes of stainless steel, lemon zest, and apple blossom. The taste features racy acidity balanced by sweetness, offering flavors of sherbet, fresh apple, and butterscotch. Tannin adds complexity and length, making it rich yet approachable. Best paired with seafood or soft cheese. - Willie Smith
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Willie Smith's |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 7.0% |
Type | Cider |
Category | Apple Cider |
Country | Australia |
Region | Tasmania |
Barcode | 9350373000871 |