Yangarra GSM 750ml
Yangarra GSM 750ml
Yangarra Estate in South Australia's McLaren Vale region is a biodynamic vineyard dedicated to producing wines exclusively from its single-vineyard estate, focusing on the premier grape varieties of the southern Rhône. The estate's unique geologies, moderate altitude, ample sunshine, and cooling evening breezes create ideal conditions for cultivating these varieties in a moderate maritime climate. The Grenache, Shiraz, and Mourvèdre blend draws inspiration from traditional southern Rhône estate blends. Grenache is harvested from both young and old bush vines, while the most refined and aromatic Shiraz is selected, with Mourvèdre added for its fragrance and robust tannic structure. Comprising 42% Grenache, 33% Shiraz, and 25% Mourvèdre, the blend showcases Grenache's tannic intensity and savory profile, complemented by Shiraz's vibrant red fruit notes, influenced by the vintage's conditions. Flavors of cherry, sour plum, dried raspberry, scrubby herbs, struck iron, brown cardamom, and mace are present. The wine can benefit from aging but is also enjoyable when consumed young.
Vintages may vary. Email us at info@bottle-stop.com.au if you would like confirmation.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Yangarra |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 14.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Red Wine |
Style | GSM |
Country | Australia |
Region | McLaren Vale |
Barcode | 7-84938-00257-1 |