Young Henrys Noble Cut Gin 750ml
Young Henrys Noble Cut Gin 750ml
Founded in 2012 in the iconic suburb of Newtown, Young Henrys create fantastic innovative beers using environmentally sustainable brewing practices. They are a community-focused brewery that has started producing delicious premium spirits in recent years. Just like the beer, the base of this gin is 100% grain - no additives, adjuncts or agents. They ferment the grain, distil it twice, then infuse the spirit with everything that gives gin its classic botanical characters; juniper, coriander, orange peel, cassia bark, liquorice root and angelica root. But, because they're brewers, Noble Cut has a twist... Hops. Enigma hops, developed and grown locally, are added to the gin basket to give a mineral complexity you'd expect to find in a fine white wine. However, that's not the only local ingredient used. The uniquely Australian pepper berry and bush tomato are included, along with a pinch of cascara and Australian-grown sencha. All of that leads to a highly aromatic, highly complex and altogether unique take on the London Dry style of gin.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Young Henrys |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 42.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Gin |
Style | New World Gin |
Country | Australia |
Region | New South Wales |
Barcode | 9346235001186 |