Black Robin Rare Gin 750ml
Black Robin Rare Gin 750ml
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Black Robin Rare Gin is a premium spirit inspired by the endangered black robin (Petroica traversi) of New Zealand's Chatham Islands. Infused with exotic botanicals and native Horopito, this rare gin boasts a spicy citrus flavor, mellow texture, and elegant finish. With every sip, you can enjoy a unique taste and help support conservation efforts for this rare bird.
Black Robin Rare Gin is a refreshingly contemporary interpretation of a London Dry Gin. It has a unique blend of 11 traditional and exotic botanicals from across the globe, in particular some native to New Zealand to honour the black robin’s heritage.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Black Robin |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 43.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Gin |
Style | Flavoured Gin |
Country | New Zealand |
Region | Tauranga |
Barcode | 9421902922039 |
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