Gordon's Premium Pink Distilled Gin 700ml
Gordon's Premium Pink Distilled Gin 700ml
Gordon's Premium Pink Distilled Gin blends the classic with the modern, using the original Gordon's recipe from the 1880s and infusing it with fresh, sweet raspberries to give it a lovely pink hue, a popular trend in modern gins. The distillers at Gordon's don't sacrifice trend for quality, however - each ingredient is sourced for freshness and quality, and the spirit is distilled multiple times to remove all impurities and ensure that all the botanicals work together in a handy, yet fresh, product. There's a refreshing natural sweetness from raspberries and succulent strawberries, which give ht in its colour, and a tang of red currant that complements the juniper. Serve this gin in any fruity cocktail, or over ice with muddles berries to allow the pink colour to shine through.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Gordon's |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 37.5% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Gin |
Style | Flavoured Gin |
Country | England |
Barcode | 9310495083558 |