Jewel Lines Precious Vodka 700ml
Jewel Lines Precious Vodka 700ml
A taste of luxury in an eye catching bottle, Precious Vodka is a prime example of a truly prestige spirit. The diamond shaped bottle makes a bold impact and will make a great addition to your home bar.
An ideal gift for a spirits snob, this vodka is for those in the know. Distilled six times and triple charcoal filtered, this vodka has a premium taste like no other clear spirit on the market. A completely luxurious experience; from opening the gift box up to using the pourer to fix yourself a drink and savouring the magnificent taste of the vodka, this is a great gift or a splurge just for you! The unique diamond shaped bottle dazzles with its clear glass construction, every bottle is adorned by a real gem stone; either a ruby, sapphire, emerald, peridot or topaz.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Jewel Lines |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 40.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Vodka |
Style | Plain Vodka |
Country | Australia |
Region | Bulgaria |
Barcode | 3800009406882 |