ScapegRace Classic Dry Gin 700ml
ScapegRace Classic Dry Gin 700ml
Originally launched as Rogue Society, Scapegrace Gin was founded by Mark Neal, Richard Bourke and Daniel Mclaughlin in 2014. They distil with a 19th century whisky still in what was previously a derelict shed at the base of the Southern Alps in New Zealand. The team hit copyright issues when they launched into the European market in 2017 and renamed the spirit Scapegrace Gin for that region. Scapegrace Classic Dry Gin is 42.2% ABV with a delightful blend of 12 botanicals and hits the senses with aromas of orange and lemon peel, flowing across the palate quite lightly with a crisp and dry beautiful soft finish.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Scapegrace |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 42.2% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Gin |
Style | London Dry Gin |
Country | New Zealand |
Barcode | 9421903387233 |