Suntory Haku Vodka 700ml
Suntory Haku Vodka 700ml
This Japanese vodka is created by the House of Suntory. The name means "white" in Japanese, referring to the white rice that forms that base of this spirit. There is another meaning to the name, meaning "brilliant" and that's what vodka fans will love - a smooth, fresh, and subtly flavoured vodka that is purified with bamboo filtration. Using rice as an ingredient gives this vodka a lighter mouthfeel and a bright flavour. This company has been making vodka since 1956, constantly refining their techniques to make the purest expression of spirit. The unparalleled soft, round and subtly sweet taste lends itself perfectly as the base for a sake martini.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Suntory |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 40.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Vodka |
Style | Plain Vodka |
Country | Japan |
Barcode | 4901777284920 |