The Wiseman Bourbon Whiskey 700ml
The Wiseman Bourbon Whiskey 700ml
The Wiseman Bourbon presents an intriguing collaboration between Kentucky Owl and Bardstown Bourbon Company. This release combines their 4-year-old wheat and high-rye bourbons with 5.5-year-old and 8.5-year-old bourbons sourced from Kentucky. The resulting bourbon offers a classic flavor profile with notable spice, occasional dryness, and a lack of excitement. It showcases subtle hints of aging, although they are quickly followed by notes of cereal grain or light ethanol. This bourbon is reliable and inoffensive, delivering a satisfactory experience without standing out.
In terms of aroma, the Wiseman Bourbon reveals elements of caramel, grass, roasted peanut, gentle rye spice, light curry, and an overall soft and airy quality.
On the palate, one can expect flavors of toffee, caramel, cereal grain, muted raspberry, and dry oak.
As for the finish, it leaves behind lingering notes of rye spice, leather, a touch of ethanol, and a light dryness that persists.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | The Wiseman |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 45.4% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Whisky |
Style | Bourbon |
Country | United States |
Barcode | 8-57361-00723-6 |