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Vox Vodka 700ml

Vox Vodka 700ml

We aren't stocking this product any longer. We've got some similar recommendations below we're sure you'll love.

VOX Vodka is crafted using 100% wheat from the Netherlands, making it sweet and light, as wheat is the best ingredient for the purest vodka. It's a super-premium vodka, distilled five times to ensure that each small batch is of the highest quality and demonstrates VOX's commitment to meticulous craftsmanship. This spirit has almost no taste, simply just a clear and crisp mouthfeel with a smooth finish. It's ideal for mixing into cocktails that have a dominant flavour profile, as the pureness of this vodka won't affect the taste of other ingredients. Vodka purists will enjoy this over ice with a twist of lemon.

Product Specifications

Brand Name VOX
Size 700ml
Alcohol Content 37.5%
Type Spirits
Category Vodka
Style Plain Vodka
Country Netherlands
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