Warner's Harrington Dry Gin 700ml
Warner's Harrington Dry Gin 700ml
Warner Edwards is a renowned English craft distilling company known for its expertise in producing small-batch artisan gins. Situated in a historic 200-year-old barn on Falls Farm in the village of Harrington, Northamptonshire, Warner Edwards takes advantage of the farm's pristine natural spring water to craft its exceptional spirits. With its distinct character and pronounced hints of cardamom and nutmeg, Warner Edwards gin offers a remarkably warm and velvety experience, setting it apart as a true innovator in its category. This gin possesses the robustness necessary to create a delightful and addictive gin and tonic, while also exhibiting the smoothness that harmonizes perfectly in a martini.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Warner's |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 40.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Gin |
Country | United Kingdom |
Barcode | 5060327911804 |