Willie Smith Spirits Tasmanian Apple Brandy 700ml
Willie Smith Spirits Tasmanian Apple Brandy 700ml
Our Apple Brandy is a unique blend of French traditions and our own resourceful Tasmanian approach. Produced on our farm, we rely on natural processes to create an authentic taste that reflects the vibrant flavors of our orchard. Patient aging in ex-fortified wine barrels adds a smooth and persistent undertone, carefully selected and blended by our distiller from 120L Australian Muscat, Port and Sherry barrels. The result is a distinctively elegant and outstanding spirit, with layers of baked apple, sweet caramel and fruit cake aromatics. Best enjoyed after dinner with loved ones, our Apple Brandy is a new Tasmanian tradition worth sharing.
-Willie Smith Spirits
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Willie Smith's |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 42.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Brandy Pisco |
Style | Brandy |
Country | Australia |
Region | Tasmania |
Barcode | 9350373000963 |